terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

O sono e a memória

Acho que foi num episódio de uma série de espiões que vi, há muitos anos, umas almofadas que induziam ordens durante o sono. Ou eram umas cassetes para aprender línguas? Fosse o que fosse, parece que tinham alguma razão de ser...
Sleeping Protects Memories From Corruption

“You must remember this,” Sam the piano player crooned to Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. The couple might have recalled even more about their days in Paris if they’d been napping when Sam played the tune again.
Replaying memories while people are awake leaves their memories subject to tinkering. But reactivating memories during sleep protects them from interference, researchers in Germany and Switzerland report online January 23 in Nature Neuroscience.Wired Science
Claude Verlinde, Dream Collector

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